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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

49. Acceleration by Graham McNamee

1. Bibliographic Information:
McNamee, G. (2003). Acceleration. New York: Wendy Lamb Books.
ISBN: 978-0385901444
224 pages

2. Plot Summary:
After being forced to take a dead-end summer job at Toronto Transit Commission’s Lost and Found, Duncan finds a journal filed with descriptions of various crimes of an amateur serial killer who is just making the transition from arson and animal abuse to stalking and possible murder. With little information, and the police unable to take over the investigation due to insufficient evidence, Duncan and his friends begin to use the journal to track down clues and information. Duncan becomes obsessed with finding Roach, the nickname he has given the killer. He begins to follow the women that Roach has described in the journal to try to see if anyone is watching these possible victims. However, his search goes cold when none of his leads reveal substantial evidence. It is not until the serial killer comes searching for his journal at the lost and found, that the cat and mouse game begins.

3. Critical Evaluation:
Acceleration, a fast paced suspense novel for older teens, succeeds the most with its character development. The reader is able to empathize with Duncan because he is a far from perfect, but perfectly normal character. Duncan has had run-ins with the law, works at a dead-end job, and hangs out with his friends wishing he could get back together with his girlfriend. He is unable to come to terms with a horrific accident last summer. All of these facets of Duncan’s character gives him motivation to catch Roach, and allows the reader to understand the steps in takes in trying to do so. While the reader does have to suspend belief in some of the action scenes, overall Duncan’s actions are believable because of the quality character development and the pace of the novel. The reader cannot help but use Duncan’s character to analyze morality and values. By comparing Duncan’s character to Roach’s we see how the line between good and evil are blurred, but that there are definite lines that still distinguish the two.

4. Reader’s Annotation:
What would you do if the cops didn’t believe that you had found the journal of a killer?

5. Information about the Author:
Graham McNamee, born in Toronto, Canada, is now living in Vancouver. His other books include: Bonechiller, Hate You, Nothing Wrong With A Three-Legged Dog, and Sparks.

6. Genre

7. Curriculum Ties
Outside reading for an English Class.

8. Booktalking Ideas
- Do you think Roach is a product of his background or environment? Why?
- How does guilt drive the characters in this novel?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
I think that this novel would appeal to older teens probably between 15 and 17 years old.

10. Challenge Issues:
This novel has older teen themes such as girlfriends and jobs as well as violent themes revolving around serial killers, murder, stalking, and so forth.
If anyone wished to challenge this book I would refer them to the ALA's website for more information and challenge forms found at:
11. Why was it selected?
I thought it would be interesting to read a book by a Canadian author.

12. Citations:
Challenges to library materials. (2010). In American Library Association. Retrieved from

Teen (2003). Author profile: Graham McNamee. Retrieved from

Picture Retrieved from
Library and Archives Canada. (2005). Award winning titles 2004. Retrieved from

13. Awards
WINNER 2004 - ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers
WINNER 2004 - ALA Best Books for Young Adults
WINNER 2004 - Texas TAYSHAS High School Reading List
WINNER 2005 - Kentucky Bluegrass Master List
WINNER 2008 - Virginia Young Readers Program Master List
WINNER 2006 - Pacific Northwest Young Readers Choice Master List

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