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Monday, March 22, 2010

28. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

1. Bibliographic Information
Ryan, C. (2009). The forest of hands and teeth. New York: Delacourte Press.
ISBN: 978-0-385-90631-9
310 pages

2. Plot Summary
Mary lives within the confines of the village run by the Sisterhood. The Sisterhood is an all female, governing organization which reinforces the village’s religious faith as well as protection from the unconsecrated. When Mary’s mother dies, her brother feels that it is her fault and leaves her to the care of the sisterhood since no man is willing to claim her. There Mary realizes that the Sisterhood is not as benevolent as it may seem. The old monastery hides many secrets including a trail that ventures outside of the confines of the village. Questioning its purpose, Mary wonders if the Sisterhood’s secrets deny its people the chance to see if other people have still survived. Mary constantly wonders whether her mother’s stories about the ocean could truly be real. When one of Mary’s childhood friend’s asks for her hand, Mary is unsure if a life of assumed security is enough for her. Can she marry a man she does not love? When will the unconsecrated break through the village’s protections, and does a world exist outside of the confines?

3. Critical Evaluation
Like other zombie fiction, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, offers readers more questions than answers. What is most appealing about this book, however, is its treatment of women. The Sisterhood holds a strong sway over the rest of the village, shaping the religious doctrine, filtering the information that the village receives, determining the types of defenses the village creates, as well as the cultural roles that women are supposed to take on. In this particular village, women are expected to marry and have children or become a sister in the sisterhood. In either case, no woman is expected to question the status quo or the power of the sisterhood. Mary then becomes an interesting character, not only because she spurns the idea of a loveless marriage, but also because she questions the role of love and the sisterhood, while maintaining hope of a better life. She is a difficult character to understand. Her overriding characteristic is her desire to find the ocean, and even when she has the possibility to stay with the man she loves, it is not enough. Through Mary, Carrie Ryan makes a distinct statement about women today and their need to establish their own identity before deciding to get married. She is not opposed to marriage or children, but rather, focuses on the need of women to make their own choices.

4. Reader’s Annotation
Mary feels trapped within the village confines deep within the forest of hands and teeth. She dreams instead of the stories her mother told her about the ocean, but how can she get there when the fear of the unconsecrated and law of the Sisterhood deny her freedoms?

5. Information about the Author
Carrie Ryan was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina. The Forest of Hands and Teeth is her first published novel, and the sequel, The Dead-Tossed Waves has already been published. These books will make up a trilogy with the third book being released in 2011.

6. Genre

7. Curriculum Ties
I would only consider this book to be an outside reading book.

8. Booktalking Ideas
-How does the novel depict women?
-How do you think this novel compares to with other zombie literature and movies?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
Due to the graphic descriptions I would recommend this book mostly for girls who love horror aged 16-18.

10. Challenge Issues
This novel is about zombies; therefore, some people may be opposed to the whole idea of the undead. There is some violence including descriptions of the undead eating the living. Additionally, the book does make some references to the controlling power of a religious institution. While the book does not state which religion the “Sisterhood” believes in, they do study the bible.

If someone did wish to challenge this book I would refer them to the ALA’s challenge form found at:

11. Why was it selected?
I enjoy zombie films, so I thought I would give this book a try.

12. Citations

Challenges to library materials. (2010). In American Library Association. Retrieved from

Ryan, C. (2010). Carrie. Retrieved from

Ryan. C. (2010). Books. Retrieved from

13. Awards
A New York Times best-seller
A Junior Library Guild selection
#4 on the IndieBound Kids' Indie Next List for Spring 2009
A Borders Original Voices selection for April 2009
Selected as an American Library Association "Best Book for Young Adults"
Selected for the Texas Library Association TAYSHAS High School Reading list
Selected by librarians at the Denver Public Library as one of the Best Teen Books of 2009
Nominated for the North Carolina School Library Media Association Young Adult Book Award
Nominated for the 2010-2011 Georgia Peach Book Award

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