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Monday, April 19, 2010

17. Transworld Skateboarding (March 2010) Edited by Skim Phillips

1. Bibliographic Information
Phillips, S. (Ed.). (March 2010). Transworld Skateboarding, 28(3).
162 pages
Barcode: 7482008839

2. Plot Summary
Transworld Skateboarding focuses on highlighting professional and amateur skateboarders, their likes, their dislikes, and any other quirky information the interviewer can find. These interviews are sometimes in depth, focusing on video footage, tricks, or experiences. While others are relatively light writing on random facts about the skateboarders including favorite movies, bands, and people you like with the same first name as you (See “Top 5 with Omar Salazar”). Much of the magazine is filled with skateboarding advertisements for skateboard parts, attire, new videos, and other accessories. The magazine also focuses on the culture of skateboarding listing songs which were influenced by skateboarding, seen in the article, “10 Rapping Debuts Caught on Video” by Dan Watson. The magazine also publishes readers’ questions; however, the author’s introduction to the segment tells readers to beware of Tony Trujillo’s direct approach to answering the mail. What is most prevalent, though are still-shots of skateboarders’ moves.

3. Critical Evaluation
Like many other teen magazines, Transworld seems to have many purposes. However, contradictory messages seem to plague this magazine. The articles speak of keeping the sport of skateboarding “real,” yet advertisements for mainstream companies (Vans, Nike, etc.) are littered throughout its pages. Letters to the editor speak about wanting to legitimize skateboarding as a true sport to the American public, yet articles about evading the police are also included (“Escape a Ticket with Jason Hernandez”). Nevertheless, Transworld magazine does provide teenagers with an outlet to see what other amateur and professional skateboarders are doing within the sport. Still-frame shots allow readers to see the complexities of moves and tricks, providing the means of replication. Additionally, pictures and articles push the boundaries of where skateboarding tricks can be completed. The article, “Quick and the Dead,” writes about the Quicksilver team’s trip to Israel, emphasizing the need to use skateboarding as a means to connect with other cultures. As with any sports culture, the magazine does help to define what is important to skateboarding, and while not all aspects are entirely considered acceptable, Transworld does provide readers with some redeeming values.

4. Reader’s Annotation
Read about today’s current skateboarders and their moves in Transworld Skateboarding magazine.

5. Information about the Author
Not much could be found about the Editor, Skin Phillips. From Wikipedia, Skin currently oversees the webpage and magazine for Transworld. However, nothing further is mentioned in regards to when he became editor, or his past experiences, qualifications, or education.

6. Genre
Sports Magazine

7. Curriculum Ties

8. Booktalking Ideas
-How do advertisements affect the magazine?
-Since many of the advertisements include pictures of skateboarders do you feel that it detracts from the magazine?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
I think that this magazine would most appeal to skateboarders aged 15-18, although this magazine could be read by adults as well.

10. Challenge Issues
Some people might take offense to some of the language used in this magazine, as well as articles on how to avoid a ticket. Additionally, skateboarding can be viewed as destructive, as the wax, wheels, and trucks used for skateboarding can scratch, stain or otherwise damage property. If someone wished to challenge the inclusion of this magazine in a library collection I would refer patrons to the ALA’s website regarding the guidelines and forms to submit a challenge for library materials found at:

11. Why was it Selected?
I wanted to include an example of a sports magazine for teens.

12. Citations

Challenges to library materials. (2010). In American Library Association. Retrieved from (2010). Transworld skateboarding. Retrieved from

Picture From

(February 15, 2010). Transworld skateboarding Mars 2010: Matt Miller et Lizard King Pro Spotlight. Retrieved from

13. Awards
No awards currently known.

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