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Monday, February 22, 2010

44. Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens by The Stuttering Foundation of America

1. Bibliographic Information
Guitar, B. and Guitar, C. (producers), The Stuttering Foundation (director). (2005). Stuttering: straight talk for teens. United States: The Stuttering Foundation of America.
Running Time: 85 minutes
DVD No. 1076

2. Plot Summary
This informational DVD, provides students with stuttering issues an introduction to what stuttering is, common feelings associated with stuttering, how teens feel about stuttering in a school environment, and where and how teens can find help. The film uses teenagers to help narrate and ask questions. These teenagers share their concerns as well as their own experiences. These experiences often relate to the teenagers’ own fear of stuttering, their incidences with people who make fun of them, how stuttering has made them a better person, and their aspirations. To help the teenagers and viewers, the film has also included doctors who answer the teens’ questions and display current speech therapist techniques for helping to eliminate a person’s stutter. Most techniques include slowing down speech patterns so that the person who is stuttering can feel where they are tense, and to adjust that so that they pronounce the words at a comfortable rate and feel.

3. Critical Evaluation
I think that the information that the film provides is very helpful for teens who are stutterers as well as family and friends of stutterers. The video shared the teens’ insecurities and how others can help and support them for when they do stutter. Unfortunately, the film itself seemed dated. The teenagers’ clothes and accessories looked like they were popular in the mid 1990s, and the lighting and backgrounds seemed dark. While this does not have anything to do with the information provided, I could see how this might affect today’s teen viewers who would probably be even less inclined to watch the film. Another revision of this DVD that would introduce a more modern feel might help viewers be better able to understand and relate to the teens in the film. It would also be interesting to see how the speech therapy methods are still in fact used by therapists.

4. Reader’s Annotation
Stuttering is a vocal coordination issue that affects many teens. Learn how to help those who stutter or to learn how to help eliminate a stutter in Stuttering: Straight Talk for Teens dvd.

5. Information about the Author
The Stuttering Foundation was developed in 1947 by Malcom Fraser and Dr. Charles Van Riper. Their goal was to provide the best and most up-to-date information and help available for the prevention of stuttering in young children and the most effective treatment available for teenagers and adults.

6. Genre

7. Curriculum Ties
This could be helpful for a speech pathologist, a school who is studying diversity of speech impediments, or for teachers and students who want to better understand stuttering.

8. Booktalking Ideas
-What causes stuttering?
-What are the common misconceptions about stuttering and stutterers?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
This DVD is specifically designed for teens in high school.

10. Challenge Issues
-Since this is an informative DVD I do not feel that it is in any danger of being challenged.

11. Why was it selected?
I think that speech impediments are often overlooked, so I thought it would be interesting to view from a teen's perspective.

12. Citation Page

The Stuttering Foundation. (2010). The stuttering foundation of America: a history. Retrieved from

Picture from:
Stuttering: straight talk for teens. Retrieved from

13. Awards
No awards known.

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