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Monday, March 29, 2010

25. Gravel Queen by Tea Benduhn

1. Bibliographic Information
Benduhn, T. (2003). Gravel queen. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
ISBN: 0-689-84994-X
152 pages

2. Plot Summary
Aurin and her friends Kenney and Fred have a routine friendship with each other. Aurin and Kenney join Fred at the park while he watches Grant play Ultimate Frisbee. Kenney dictates to the other two, especially when it comes to hanging out and shopping. Aurin, is well, just Aurin, going along with the flow. One day though while the three friends are sitting at the park watching Grant, Aurin notices Neila, Grant’s cousin. When Neila also shows up to a ballroom dancing class that Kenney forced Fred and Aurin to participate in, Aurin and Neila dance with one another and they become friends. As Neila and Aurin become closer, Aurin begins to realize her feelings for her. She begins to hang out less and less with Kenney, thus upsetting the friends’ established routines. Will Aurin tell her friends about her relationship with Neila? Can Kenney learn to adapt to her friend’s need to establish a relationship outside of their friendship?

3. Critical Evaluation
This book is a lighthearted introduction to a girl’s first crush with another girl. It was interesting that the novel never labeled Aurin as a lesbian. This characterization is starkly contrasted with the other two characters. Kenney is described as a striking red-head who purposely makes an attempt to attract guys, while Fred can be very flamboyant. Interestingly, the novel really does not examine Aurin’s feelings or even any confusion on her part. She is merely attracted to Neila and though she wants to take her relationship to the next level, it is Neila who must instigate this. The lack of questioning and confusion appears to be somewhat contradictory to normal teenage development in questioning their identity. Perhaps though, the light read becomes an explanation to how Tea Benduhn views attraction, love and sexuality. Since Aurin simply acts on her infatuations, then maybe Benduhn is commenting on how sexuality is an emotion dependent on instinct rather than choice.

4. Reader’s Annotation
Aurin, Kenney and Fred are inseparable friends; hanging out on weekends, going to the park and taking dance lessons. However, when Aurin begins to have feelings for Neila can Kenney understand Aurin’s motivations and accept this change?

5. Information about the Author
Tea Benduhn completed her bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education from Guildford College in Greensboro, North Carolina as well as a Master’s degree in creative writing from Emerson College in Boston. She wrote the novel Graven Queen “…to write an uplifting story about teen love that had a positive outcome” (Benduhn, 2003).

6. Genre
Realistic Fiction

7. Curriculum Ties
I would recommend this book as an outside reading book for English.

8. Booktalking Ideas
-Do you feel that this book presents teens and their sexual identities in a realistic light?
- Have you ever felt like you and your friend are growing apart?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
I would recommend this novel for teens aged 15-17.

10. Challenge Issues
This novel looks at the lives of Aurin and even Fred who is gay. Aurin’s sexuality is not necessarily defined; however, she is attracted to another woman. While the novel does not pass judgment on this lifestyle or those who chose not to agree with this lifestyle, parents who feel strongly about homosexuality should be cautioned. There is an example of Aurin and Neila making out, but the author writes it in a tame and almost innocent way.

The book also shows interracial dating, and while this should not be an issue, if anyone has a problem, they might want to avoid this novel.

If anyone wishes to challenge this book I would refer them to the ALA’s website and challenge form found at:

11. Why was it selected?
When I saw this book at the local library, I liked how the author wanted this book to be a positive experience for teens.

12. Citations

Benduhn, T. (2003). Gravel queen. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Challenges to library materials. (2010). In American Library Association. Retrieved from

Picture (2010). Gravel queen (Hardcover). Retrieved from

13. Awards
Nominated for 2003's Lambda Literary Award

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