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Friday, May 14, 2010

3. NoveList Plus [Database]

1. Bibliographic Information
NoveList Plus. (2010). Database

Retrieved through EBSCO-Host which requires either a Library Card number or personal subscription.

Homepage URL for my access was:

2. Plot Summary
NoveList Plus is a website available through EBSCO-Host, provides readers with the ability to access reviews, book discussions, author-read-a-likes, awards, and more information about books. The website is geared towards all ages, but does have a teen section geared towards the 13 – 18 demographics. Under the teen section, there are links to book discussions, author biographies, award winners, book talks, feature articles and recommended reads. The book discussion tab allows teens to search by author, title, series or plot. In author biographies users can either use the search engine or browse through the listed authors in the link section. Award winners are divided into sections by country, genre, and miscellaneous categories. Book talks are linked by author’s last name. Feature articles include articles written by Young Adult authors for teens, to articles about what to read next. Lastly, recommended reads focus on Genre specific books which teens can search through.

3. Critical Evaluation
NoveList Plus is a great resource for teens who are interested in reading. The database provides teens who already know what they want, the ability to find more information or ideas. However, access to and within the database may be dependent upon the user. Since the database is based upon subscribers to EBSCO-Host, not all teens will have the ability to use it. For example, the Orange County Library system in California has had to unsubscribe to EBSCO-Host due to budgetary issues. Additionally, the database’s search engine is dependent upon the user’s ability to match the search words of the system. While the system provides users with the capabilities of clicking possible search terms, teens might be more apt to use Google due to a wider search range and easy accessibility. Nevertheless, I found NoveList Plus to be an excellent database. Search results offer users with the ability to see the plot, other keywords, and the age recommendation of the book. Additionally, if a user is accessing the database through a library subscription, users have the option to check the library’s catalog to see if the book is available there.

4. Reader’s Annotation
Not sure what to read? Look at for ideas!

5. Information about the Author
Duncan Smith, tired of the lack of an organized database of books in the 1980s, created NoveList with Roger Rohweder and John Strickler. In 1994, Smith and Rohweder took NoveList and joined the CARL Corporation, which specializes in large-scale library automation systems. Launching the program as a DOS (Disk Operating System) product, NoveList then included 20,000 Adult titles. In 1999 EBSCO-Host purchased NoveList from CARL Corporation, which redefined the product from a collection list to creating a more interactive product.

6. Genre

7. Curriculum Ties
This website is a great resource for teens that need more information about books. This includes Author information and reviews. Thus, this resource would be helpful in an English class for book reports and analysis.

8. Booktalking Ideas

9. Reading Level/Interest Age
Cross-over, can be applied to all age levels. However, there is a section geared towards teens aged 13-18.

10. Challenge Issues

11. Why was it selected?
I think it is important for people to know what is available to them, and the NoveList Plus databases do attempt to introduce readers to a variety of books.

12. Citations
NoveList Plus. (2010). About NoveList. Ebsco-Host. Retrieved from

NoveList Plus. (2010). NoveList plus: Your guide to reading. Ebsco-Host. Retrieved from

13. Awards
No awards known.

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