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Friday, March 5, 2010

38. This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

1. Bibliographic Information:
Dessen, S. (2002). This lullaby. New York: Viking.
ISBN: 0-670-03530-0
345 pages

2. Plot Summary:
Remy Starr product of a six year relationship between a popular romance novelist, and a once popular singer feels disconnected. Her father, wrote a one-hit-wonder about her, but died shortly after her second birthday. Her mother, a free spirit, has gone through a string of marriages and is currently having Remy plan her fifth walk down the aisle. Remy feels disillusioned with love, has earned the reputation of a cold-hearted woman, and only dates men on her terms. She visits Don, her mother’s latest husband-to-be, in order to finalize wedding plans, when she is disturbed by a boy named Dexter who will not leave her alone. Dexter is persistent, and chance meetings keep occurring, which forces Remy to rethink how she feels about him. She eventually relents and begins to see Dexter. Remy, though keeps telling herself that Dexter is temporary, a summer fling that does not mean anything, before she goes away to college. As the end of summer approaches, Remy is unsure about her commitment to Dexter. Are she and Dexter meant to be, or is he just one among many flings yet to be forgotten?

3. Critical Evaluation:
Sarah Dessen’s novel, This Lullaby, is a quick easy read, emphasizing the importance of chance encounters, taking risks, and possibly falling in love. In many ways the characters and plot are reminiscent of the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The novel follows a similar (formulaic) plot line, with familiar character motifs. Dexter is the typical down to earth guy that every female reader could envy: funny, charismatic, and quirky. Remy is the cynical, experienced teenager, hardened by her mother’s numerous marriages, and her own laundry list of high school flames. However, beneath the rough exterior is a heart wanting to love and waiting to be loved in return, she just does not know it yet. Despite these clichés, Dessen’s writing seems to be fresh. The author has a knack for making her characters seem like actual teenagers; they hang out, drink, and go through the turmoil of adolescent relationships. They are flawed characters, constantly making impetuous decisions. Like other teens, Remy is confused, constantly required to act older than her age, yet unsure of her own feelings. Teen girls will identify with the characters and be entertained with a light romance.

4. Reader’s Annotation:
Remy has set principles for dating. Within six weeks men show their flaws and usually Remy shows them the door. However, when she unexpectedly meets Dexter, can Remy find herself with the man with all the flaws?

5. Information about the Author:
Sarah Dessen is a creative writing teacher at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has written eight other books for Young Adults.

6. Genre:

7. Curriculum Ties
Outside reading book for an English class.

8. Booktalking Ideas-Is love at first sight real?
-Do you agree with Barbara Starr’s opinion about love?

9. Reading Level/Interest Age:
I think this novel would most appeal to young adult females, aged 15 and 17.

10. Challenge Issues:
This novel does have instances of underage drinking, adultery, curse words, and some talk of sex. While these examples are not what the book is about, if a challenge occurred I would recommend the ALA’s challenge form found at:

11. Why was it selected?
I coach at a high school and some of my soccer players recommended the author.

12. Citation Page:

Challenges to library materials. (2010). In American Library Association. Retrieved from

Sarah Dessen. (2010). Sarah Dessen. Retrieved from

Picture Retrieved from:
Sarah Dessen. (2010). Sarah Dessen. Retrieved from

13. Awards
PW Best Book of The Year
Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalist
ALA Book Pick

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